Thursday, September 20, 2007

Review of My OK Computer Review

Today I thought I’d give a review of my previous review of Radiohead’s OK Computer album, an album created with loving care by the masterful hands of Thom Yorke and guitarist James Marshall Hendrix.

The first thing you’ll notice about my brilliant review is my comparison of Eric “Christ” Clapton and Radiohead’s airy guitar notes, scattered throughout most songs like an errant wind. The review then continues on to discuss the deeper meanings behind the lyrics of their famous hit, “Creep” and its psychological effect on former singer Beck Hansen (later replaced by Thom Yorke, although you can still hear Beck’s vocals on certain songs, especially “Lost Cause” off of Radiohead’s Sea Change album).

It’s obvious to those who have read the review how much quality and research was put into making it the best and most accurate review possible, and the next sections are no exception to that rule.

If you can read between the lines of this review, and few probably have the encyclopedic knowledge as I do, you’ll be able to pick out some of the deeper and more anthropological implications of the music and its overall effects on the industry, as well as the connections between how machines dehumanize mankind and Radiohead’s support of this concept. The review consistently stays on track with this fact and analyzes it in great extent, which is why it’s such a badass review, almost as if it were written by Snake Plissken himself!

Although my review is, for the most part, flawless, I cannot in good conscience give it a perfect score due to slight personal bias. I don’t believe it’s anything too intrusive, but I am most likely prone to rate my own content a bit higher than others, so I’ve knocked off what I will hereon refer to as “Bias Points.”

Four out of Six Reviewses.

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